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Towards a sustainable general aviation

presented by

6-7 december 2023

Aéroport de Pau, Toulouse


The following program is subject to change.

*Guided tour of the aircraft exhibition on the tarmac on pre-registration

Aéroport de Pau | 6-7 december 2023

Wednesday 6 december

10:30 - 12:00

Guided tour of the aircraft display on the tarmac*


Welcome Speech, Evolution and prospects MAELE


Overview of light and general aviation projects, Certification progress versus CS23.
Many initiatives are appearing around the world but the recent news of the shutdown of the NASA demonstrator as well as the regulatory complexity are not likely to put a brake on its projects.

14:50 - 15:40

Necessary adaptation of airports and aerodromes to new energies
At the level of airports/aerodromes, the implementation of the decarbonization trajectory requires investment in ground electrification facilities, at the level of aircraft ground operations, the purchase of low-carbon runway equipment, the optimization of flight and ground operations. The adaptation of airport infrastructures to guarantee the distribution of carbon-free energies and energy carriers will also be a prerequisite for achieving this objective.

15:40 - 16:40

Guided tour of the aircraft display on the tarmac*, B2B meetings

16:40 - 17:30

Challenge of recharging aero propulsion batteries
The development of electric aviation requires the deployment of propulsive battery chargers, chargers different from the automobile by the higher voltage levels requiring a high network capacity and special precautions.

17:30 - 18:00

Round table
Dismantling and recovery of aircraft: a sector to be built
Between the decarbonization of air transport and the problems of raw material supply, there is a renewed interest on the part of aircraft manufacturers and engine manufacturers for recycling. All that remains is to build a sector to take advantage of this enhancement, as boating has done.

Cocktail and Jaï-alaï party

19:30 - 19:40

Welcome speech

  • Bruno Dahan, Aeronautical Delegate Director, Aerospace Valley
  • Stépahne Castete, CEO, abe - advanced business events
19:40 - 22:00


Thursday 7 december

09:00 - 09:45

Needs for new uses of light aviation.
What expectations on the market for regional air mobility, tourism and medical operators?

09:45 - 10:25

Round table
The alternative to AVGAS 100LL gasoline and the need for fleet retrofitting!
Unlike cars, for the vast majority of general aviation engines, the authorized fuel is AVGAS 100LL, which is leaded gasoline. This, under the pressure of European regulations but also of the United States, should gradually disappear by 2030. Without an alternative, thousands of planes would be grounded, there are however solutions under development or already certified.

10:25 - 12:25

B2B meetings

12:25 - 14:25

Guided tour of the aircraft display on the tarmac*

12:25 - 13:30

Networking lunch

13:55 - 14:30

Winners of the AAP France 2030 BPI "Producing a low-carbon aircraft in 2030" and "1st factory"
9 projects, including 5 labeled by AV (or AV members) were selected following the examination of the applications submitted during the first AAP survey. These 9 projects represent €49.3 million in state aid for a cumulative investment of €125 million. They are worn by emerging or more mature aircraft and equipment manufacturers. They seek to remove major technical obstacles and target new markets, in particular that of low-carbon light aviation.
These winners will enable us to develop the national innovation potential in our territories and bring out new players with the vocation of being leaders and thus further strengthening French leadership in the global aeronautics industry.

14:30 - 15:10

Round table
Personnel trained in new aircraft and their uses
Adaptation of skills to guarantee the deployment of the various decarbonization levers.

15:10 - 16:10

B2B meetings

15:10 - 16:30

Guided tour of the aircraft display on the tarmac*

16:10 - 16:20

Overview and closing remarks