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2024 Themes

  • Technological advances and new applications
  • Light aircraft propulsion alternatives (battery, hydrogen, SAF)
  • Supply chain transformation
  • Aeroport infrastructure transformation
  • New players in the light aircraft sector
  • New services, use cases and business models
  • Jobs, skills, training
  • Financing initiatives


We're currently working on the 2024 program. Check back regularly for updates.

Tuesday December 3 - 

*The language of this conference will be French.

  • 09:00-09:30

Participant check-in

  • 09:30-09:45

Opening remarks

  • 09:45-10:00


The success of the MAELE initiative since 2020
In the age of the energy and technology revolution, the MAELE initiative for low-carbon light aviation is no longer a utopian dream, but a reality. Here's an overview.

  • 10:00-10:40

Panel discussion

The global image of aviation is enhanced by technological advances and new uses for light aviation
Light aviation plays a crucial role in the evolution of the global image of aviation: Technological advances (Composite materials/Electric and hybrid propulsion/Advanced avionics/Artificial intelligence) and the emergence of new uses (Urban air mobility/Goods delivery/Precision agriculture/Surveillance and inspection, fire-fighting) are helping to reduce aviation's environmental footprint, stimulating innovation and shaping the future of the sector.

  • 10:40-11:00


The light aviation market: prospects and reality
The outlook is bright for light aviation, which is set to play an increasingly important role in air mobility, offering flexible, sustainable and economical transport solutions to meet the needs of an ever-changing world. Technological advances, the emergence of new uses and changing business models are all helping to transform the sector's landscape.

  • 11:00-11:40

Panel discussion

Jobs, skills and training: what changes are needed to support aviation's transition?
Accompanying aviation's transition to a more sustainable and technologically advanced model means adapting jobs, skills and training to meet the industry's new requirements. The emergence of new professions, the changing skills required and the need for constant adaptability mean that specialized training programs must be created to support professionals and prepare the younger generation for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow's aviation.

  • 11:40-12:30

B2B meetings

  • 12:30-13:30

Lunch break

  • 13:30-13:50


Public and private funding initiatives (including from the EU), and the expectations of private funders at the time of industrialization.

  • 13:50-14:30


Latest advances in light aviation propulsion alternatives (battery, hydrogen, sustainable fuel)
Recent advances in aviation propulsion have led to significant progress in several key areas, such as biofuels, electrification, hybrid propulsion technologies and optimized energy management. These advances reflect a growing commitment to sustainability and innovation, particularly in light aviation. As these technologies continue to develop, they pave the way for a future in which light aviation will be both more environmentally-friendly and more energy-efficient.

  • 14:30-16:30

B2B meetings

  • 16:30-19:00

Visit the aeroscopia museum and see our participants' aircraft on static display.

  • 19:00-21:00

Cocktail reception at the aeroscopia museum

Wednesday December 4 -

*The language of the conference will be English.

  • 09:00-09:30

Participants check-in

  • 09:30-09:45

Opening remarks

  • 09:45-10:25

Panel discussion

What new players will be shaking up the aviation landscape in the years to come?
The aviation sector is currently undergoing a period of significant innovation and disruption, fuelled by technological advances, changing consumer preferences and evolving regulatory frameworks. The arrival of new players could reshape the sector in the years ahead, challenging established norms and promoting new approaches to air travel.

  • 10:25-11:05

Panel discussion

The strength of the aerospace ecosystem network in the Grand Sud-Ouest region
Testimonials and feedback from Aerospace Valley members. The Greater South-West region offers a favorable environment for development and innovation in the aeronautics sector. It features world-renowned companies, specialized clusters, state-of-the-art research and training facilities, proximity to key aerospace partners, a skilled labor pool, strong government support and a commitment to sustainable development. These elements make it a major player in the global aerospace industry and an essential pillar of the French aerospace sector.

  • 11:05-11:25


How is the supply chain being transformed to meet the challenges of decarbonization?
The supply chain is undergoing a major transformation to meet the challenges of decarbonization. This change requires a holistic approach that embraces collaboration, innovation and commitment to sustainability across the entire value chain. By adopting these strategies and initiatives, companies can reduce their impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • 11:25-12:15

B2B meetings

  • 12:15-13:15

Lunch break

  • 13:15-13:55

Panel discussion

New services, use cases and business models to support the new aircraft - Aircraft rental, leasing, opening up new territories and new uses.
The emergence of new aircraft types, particularly in the field of electric and autonomous aviation, offers prospects for innovative services, use cases and business models. Electric aircraft startups, Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), autonomous cargo delivery drones, data-driven services for new aircraft, cloud-based training and flight simulation, financing models for new aircraft. We foresee the emergence of even more innovative services, applications and business models, which will transform the way we travel and transport goods.

  • 13:55-14:35

Panel discussion

Transforming airport infrastructures: how are they evolving to accommodate new aircraft?
The rise of new aircraft, particularly electric and autonomous vehicles, is driving significant changes in airport infrastructures, in terms of alternative fuel infrastructure, runway and taxiway modernization, ground support equipment, environmental considerations... As new technologies mature and regulations adjust, we anticipate the emergence of even more innovative solutions, ensuring that airports can embrace the exciting potential of new aircraft and contribute to the future of sustainable air transport.

  • 14:35-16:35

B2B meetings

Call for speakers

Why speak at #GAD2024?

  • Share your experience and expertise
  • Gain visibility within the national and international aviation community
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field
  • Connect with your peers
  • Benefit from a 360° media visibility (print, web, social networks, emailings)
  • Attend Green Aero Days for free

How to become a speaker?

Apply as a speaker by sending an email with :

  • The desired format (round table, pitch)
  • The title of your presentation
  • A brief summary of your presentation (400 words)

Upon receiving your application, we will assess the relevance of your proposed presentation to Green Aero Days.